Te Waiti Hut Walk

Walking & Cycling Trail

2 hrs, advanced difficulty

grade 3

About the trail
6.2 km one way. one way.
This track affords views of Te Waiti Stream and lowland forest and is suitable for a family day trip.

Dog friendly: No

Things to know

This is a shared-use track. Follow the mountain bikers code: respect others, respect the rules, respect the track.

To reach Te Waiti Hut, follow the benched track up Te Waiti Stream from the Hastings Pole Bridge. 

The track has a mainly easy gradient. There is one stream crossing 15 minutes from the hut which should not be crossed in high flow periods. There are some very narrow sections with steep drop-offs.

Offers fantastic views of the river from lush semi coastal forest.

Te Waiti Hut

  • Category: Standard
  • Facilities: 6 bunk beds, heating, mattresses
  • Bookings not required - first come, first served

Part of Virtually on Track - Discover, Explore, Connect

Mountain biking

This is a shared-use track. Follow the mountain bikers code: respect others, respect the rules, respect the track.

Getting there

The tracks starts from the Hastings Pole Bridge on Te Waiti Valley Road.

Source: Department of Conservation 

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