Jim Barnett Reserve Putaruru

Walking Trail

30 mins

About the trail
Highlights of the Jim Barnett Reserve include a dedicated camping area, picnic spots, and a 1000-year-old totara tree which was spared during logging.

Dog friendly: No

Things to know

The main walking trail is a 30-minute loop track with shorter adjoining trails including the 15 minute Totara Track. No dogs allowed.

The Jim Barnett Reserve, southwest of Putaruru in the South Waikato area boasts a rich history with several great walking trails and camping facilities.

Part of a 1000ha forest, the Jim Barnett Reserve was once logged for its massive rimu and totara trees. Community efforts have seen the rejuvenation of the forest and the reintroduction of native bird species such as the North Island Robin.

Highlights of the Jim Barnett Reserve include a dedicated camping area, picnic spots, and a 1000-year-old totara tree which was spared during logging.

The main walking trail is a 30-minute loop track with shorter adjoining trails including the 15 minute Totara Track.

More info: www.southwaikato.govt.nz

Please Note: Many of the walking trails in the Waikato region do not allow dogs. Hamilton & Waikato Tourism recommends checking with the local council before taking your dog on any of the trails in the region.

Source: Hamilton & Waikato Tourism

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