Coppermine Creek Track

Walking Trail

2 hrs - 3 hrs, easy difficulty

About the trail
This is a pleasant popular walk through lowland forest to an area where copper was mined.

Dog friendly: No

Things to know

There is a large slip approximately 15 minutes from the start of the Coppermine Creek Track. A track has been cut through it, however the slip is active so caution is required.

Coppermine Creek Track

Time: 2 hr return

This is a pleasant popular walk through lowland forest to an area where copper was mined. 

There is a large slip approximately 15 minutes from the start of the Coppermine Creek Track. A track has been cut through it, however the slip is active so caution is required.

Coppermine Track

Time: 2 - 3 hr

This track provides a more strenuous option for returning to the carpark than the Coppermine Creek Track. There are views across southern Hawke’s Bay from the top portion of track, which passes through farmland. Do not disturb stock and leave gates as you find them. There are steep drop-offs adjacent to parts of the track so proceed with care and keep to the marked route.

Wharite Peak Track

Time: 3 - 4 hr

This boggy track to the southern tip of the Ruahine Range is recommended for experienced trampers. About 20 minutes from the carpark the track climbs steeply to the windswept leatherwood tops and along to Wharite Road. On a clear day there are views as far as Kapiti Island, over the windmills farm to Mt Bruce and the Tongariro mountains.

Getting there

Coppermine Road is located 10 km from Woodville. Woodville is 85 km from Napier on State Highway 2. Travel north east from Woodville along Pinfold Road for 9 km, then turn left into Coppermine Road.

Each track is accessed from the road end. View a map of Coppermine Road (JPG, 203K) (opens in new window)

Know before you go

Slips are common in this unstable erosion prone area, sometimes resulting in track closures. Check alerts on this page for current updates.

Source: Departement of Conservation

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